Sponsor a Team

Join the mission by sponsoring an athlete, a team or a field. Choose from the option of individual donation, use a choose a custom built sponsorship of a team or field and have your business displayed in front of thousands of people each season. If you have questions, or if you would like your donation to be applied to a certain team or person, please just send us a note.

Donations & Sponsorships

Your Support Makes a Difference

All donations are tax-deductible as SOAR Columbia

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

“I am just glad that I can help provide a way for families and kids to be a part of a league that focuses on character development and bettering the individual’s life and the lives of others in the community.”
— Charlie Davison (SOAR Sponsor since 2016)

Option 1 - Sponsorship Programs

Sponsor a child, a team, or a field below.

To pay by check, please fill out the form above.